The gooey runny egg – or the perfect texture egg as we call it on our house!
During our first Whole30 the husband and I were eating a lot of eggs so we experimented with lots of ways of cooking them and figured out what our personal favorite egg types were. He likes his super runny, while I prefer mine with a little more structure – gooey!! Otherwise defined as slightly runny, but not all over your plate. That’s hard to clean up you know? This applies especially for egg sandwiches. Have you ever had one where the yolk just goes all over your hand? Yeah, messy. I try to combat this at home with the perfect cooking texture.
So how does once achieve such perfection?
Start with a pan on medium heat. We use a mix of our cast iron and a nonstick pan; here the nonstick is shown. Note that cooking time varies based on stoves and pan, but I’ve listed mine here for reference. Add a touch of oil to the pan, more if needed for your pan (our cast iron usually needs quite a bit more). Crack in the egg!
Don’t touch it! Let the egg whites cook. Once they start to get firm, we’re getting closer. I usually add in a second egg a bit later for Mr. P so the eggs are done around the same time.You can see in this picture below that the white of the egg up top is more firm. This is what we are aiming for.
After about 4 minutes turn down the heat to low to let the egg keep cooking a tad more. When you can move the pan without the yolk jiggling too much, you’re set. Sometimes I'll flip the egg, turn the heat off and let the egg(s) sit if I want it to cook a bit more, but sunny side up keeps the yolk looking nice and bright.
Top on your favorite savory dish and let the yolk soak in!
Bon appétit!
Yum!! Can't wait to try cooking my eggs like this. And I love your blog, all your recipes look delicious.
Thanks for stopping by!!