After Whole30 last year, I can’t get enough of a savory plate for breakfast!

That market good
Whole30 showed me that anything is possible for breakfast, you just have to be open minded 😊I was once a diehard oatmeal / yogurt + granola breakfast eater, alternating between the two with some other sweet options thrown in (healthier French toast, maybe eggs and toast). Nothing wrong with those meals, and I still enjoy them, but now I’m loving being able to incorporate so many vegetables and probiotic foods into my morning routine and cut down on my sugar intake. If I have a wholesome breakfast with all these things, I feel better if I have something simple for dinner or don’t quite get as many veggies later on in the day. Think of it as an early check off the box for the day. (PS: If you're wondering what paleo is, read some more here and here! As always, I endorse a balance of food and/or diets, but I like paleo oriented things because of the lack of dairy and refined grains and sugars.)
And why paleo? Well I like the focus on veggies, protein, fats and the emphasis on getting “carbs” from natural sources like starchy vegetables and fruit. The less processed the better, right? I also like that these meals fill me up more and leave me feeling more satisfied. I think when I had oatmeal most days (=mostly carbs from the oats, maybe some sweetener and fat from nut butter) I would feel a lot hungrier mid-morning and have a snack or sweet granola bar. These days I’m usually full until lunch (with a coffee break of course) and not cravings sweets as much. So in summary,
- These breakfasts make me eat healthier throughout the day
- I get ma veggies in early
- I’m more creative with produce
- Eating less processed snacks and breads

Corn chips on top not paleo, but good use of leftovers!
So how do I decide what to put on the plate, you ask? Good question!! When Pedro and I are making breakfast I usually just try to do a green or other cruciferous veggie + protein + a starchy veggie or fruit. If we have it and it goes with the dish, something probiotic on the side like kimchi or sauerkraut. Love these fermented foods and they’re so good for your digestion! So what does this end up looking like? Here are my go to’s:
- VEGGIES! Brussel sprouts // spinach // kale // green blends from Trader Joes // mushrooms // zucchini // roasted onion
- PROTEIN! Eggs // pork sausage // chicken sausage // steak // ham
- FATS! Avocado // olive oil // nuts // more avocado
- STARCH! Berries // mango // banana // potatoes or hash browns // sweet potatoes // squash

Trader Joe's shredded brussels - my fav!!
Other inspiration – herbs, random spices you haven’t used in a while, leftover veggies, PEPPERONI!! Bacon!!! Those don’t really belong under meat…probably more the fat category. Market finds are always great inspiration, too. I loved the eggs we had recently with fresh red onions/chives from the market. If we have leftover meat from another meal, too, we’re not afraid to use it for breakfast. We’ve done pork carnitas, steak and eggs, leftover Indian food…you name it.

This “formula” is more of a general rule of thumb. Sometimes I’ll sub out the fruit or starchy vegetable for some gluten free bread or even some leftover NORMAL bread/bagels if we have some. These days I’m trying a little harder to avoid gluten because of everything I’ve heard about gluten being not the best for gut health but sometimes we just have it 😊 I don’t feel bad like I do with dairy afterwards so it’s ok for me, I just treat it as more of an indulgence.

Bread not paleo, but market chorizo // baby curly kale // runny scrambled eggs - so good
Do you have any paleo breakfasts combinations you love? Share below – I’m always looking for more inspiration!

The pepperoni phase was a great one
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