Hey friends!! Popping in today with a different kind of post to share my recent eats. Hopefully they inspire you this week! Let's start with my favorite meal of the day.
I have been craving veggies and all the greens since my trip to dinner, so green bowls have been my go-to. I recently go some big, shallow "pasta" bowl (similar to these) and have been loving them for leftover meals. They're conducive to adding lots of greens and just layering all the things on top. Case in point: a 5 minute breakfast salad of cooked quinoa + spinach + chicken sausage + runny egg! Filling + nutritious.
More bowl food, this time a breakfast salad with some paleo waffles cut up on top:
The bowl theme continues, but in a different way! I recently inherited a semi-broken but still manageable spiralizer from a friend (thanks Christie!) and was determined to spiralize a sweet potato in it ASAP. The vision was to make tasty looking hash brown inspired haystacks with eggs!! Way easier than I thought, and a fun way to change up the texture of our breakfasts (normally I'd just roast or sautee diced potato).
And finally, a few days of my leftover cranberry walnut bread. It's SO good, guys!! I posted the recipe for the no-knead goodness last week and it continues to be great toasted straight from the freezer. Runny egg scramble and tea on the side.
Dinners (Lunch Leftovers)
Most of our lunches end up being dinner leftovers, so I combined them! We started last week by picking two vegetarian/vegan recipes to make from cookbooks, starting with a tahini goddess bowl from Oh She Glows. It's not the most beautiful dish but it's so tasty. Lots of grains + veggies cooked slightly in a lemon tahini dressing.
A reappearance as leftovers (in the bottom left of the next picture)! Leftover squash + extra bulgur + chickpeas along with some Fakin Bakin aka tofu bacon on the side. (I was so intrigued to try the fake bacon...definitely not the same at all but an interesting taste.)
Next up on our cookbook recipe tour was Brazilian inspired feijoada from a Jamie Oliver recipe. Basically cooked black beans with roasted bell peppers + butternut squash on top of rice + greens (we added the those :D). A little salsa + plain greek yogurt on top.
Finally, two super easy dinner and/or lunch ideas!! I saved this pasta recipe on my Instagram highlights, but it's my go to when I need something quick without a recipe to make. I incorporate as many veggies as I have on hand (onions, carrots, peppers). I'll usually have it with just greens or more veggies and it's delicious and filling, but Pedro's been asking for pasta lately so we did that!! Look at the cute swirls.
Aaand the second one - this super easy dolled-up take out!! Pedro was out one night and I was too tired to cook (what?) so I picked up some Indian food from the Whole Foods hot bar. The fish + rice + spinach clocked in at around $10, but I knew I could stretch it to two meals with a little extra veggie power. I also thought it would make the rest of my squash leftovers look more appetizing since I had been eating them for a few days already.
I made a base of my veggies, then added the Whole Foods goods on top. This is a great approach if you want to get something take-out ish and fast but want to keep it veggie filled and healthy!!! Also, Whole Foods budget hacks.
Desserts + Treats
And of course...something a little sweet! I was inspired to bake last Sunday and remembered that I had some hazelnut flour I wanted to use. I didn't want to make anything too complicated (read: minimal ingredients, 1 pan) and Pedro requested something light, so I settled on this hazelnut citrus torte. I loved this recipe and would try it again with almond flour!! It was super light, bright from the citrus and moist from the nut flour. I would reduce the sugar a bit next time, but thought it was great as is as well. A homemade whipped cream would be SO perfect on it. No final picture, but I loved this shot while mixing it up (egg white swirl!)
We ate that most of the week as a breakfast dessert (that's a thing, right?). This week I'm thinking cookies to help alleviate our packing stress...What's on your menu for this week?!
this was a great meal